We offer a full range of logging services...
Anything from "tread lightly" mitigation & forest management to large scale house plot and road clearing. Local builders are finding it's easier and more economical to have us clear properties for plots and building sites, as we can get the job done faster and let them concentrate on what they're good at.
Roads and driveways are another area where our logging expertise is in high demand. Fire departments have certain requirements for roads and driveways. Do you have adequate turnouts? Adequate height clearance? Don't know? Proper access is crucial. Fire departments will defend homes that they think they can SAFELY defend. An inadequate driveway may not provide an acceptable safety margin in case of a fire.
High Timber is available for all your logging needs. We strive to do the best job possible with the utmost respect for the environment always a number one goal in every job. We take pride in being "Steward's of the Land"
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